"I think it’s well worth the trouble. Do you?" I do. (Sometimes, that's difficult to remember when you're dealing with blowback from someone like the reader you mention here. But I do.)

Thank you for writing this, which, in many ways, echoes my similar experiences.

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@Erika Dreifus - thank you so much for weighing in! To be fair, it is HARD to take this kind of feedback. But I won't let it silence me. And you are an inspiration for all of us Jewish writers!! Strength in numbers and in community.

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If only people could open their minds and hearts to understand that, as you said, all of the things can be true. The Jews are not the aggressor, nor are the regular Palestinians. There are tragedies for both groups and the problem can only be solved by regular people on both sides of the border working together.

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So true, @Erin! Thanks for reading.

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I stand in support of you and of Israel in its struggle to come to terms with and make right the horrible wrong that occurred last October. I’m a Christian and went to a predominantly Jewish school in Los Angeles in the late 1960s. Most of my classmates were proud of the establishment of an Israeli state in the Middle East post WWII and happy to have family members who relocated there. Roll forward 50+ years and suddenly it’s the Palestinians that are being oppressed, despite the fact that they have harbored a murderous terrorist organization. Modern civilization seems to want to punish those who practice self-care and self protection. Who would’ve thought?

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Thank you so much for your support, @B.E. Jackson! Sounds like you've watched the whole journey of the state of Israel and see it clearly. Grateful for you!

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You have courage, you read, you do the research, you listen to others and you have the gift of being able to express yourself so well.

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Thank you, my friend!

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Your two posts have soothed my exhausted Jewish heart. It's difficult to speak one's truth these days.

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Thank you, @Ann Brandman. Together, we remain strong!

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Thanks for this post, Lynne. It is so hard to receive such an attack and it sounds like your responded thoughtfully while caring for yourself. Not an easy task. I support you in that balancing act!

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Thank you so much, @Meli! You know how important it is to have these conversations but from a place of mutual respect. ❤️

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This hurts my heart...that people are so blind and "accept" hate and violence for their ideology. I stand with you in the freedom to voice yourself. Yes, this will trigger opposing views, but that is why we write, speak out, and hopefully have dialogue that will bring about an understanding of the importance of our humanity. You can state your opinion, and argue a solid argument, but you cannot force others change their minds. They have to get there on their own. Your breath, your words, are not lost. Maybe, just maybe, you got this women to think about the opposite side.

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Thank you, @Elizabeth Conte!

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An angered reader doesn't necessarily signify hate and violence as their ideology (it's even harder to ascertain when we don't have access to the original response). Let us hope we all continue constructive dialogue(s) about trying to remedy this ongoing, horrific tragedy. Maybe we also can think more about "the opposite side," and even a middle ground of negotiation in the name of peace, including those Jews who still support an eventual two-state solution, who believe in the value of at least a temporary cease-fire, who don't believe all Palestinians are determined to destroy Israel.


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@William R. Boyer, this essay and the one that came before it, were about my experiences in Israel over 5 days. They were not about the entire Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and I think it's important to remember that only people who live there can truly know what is the best solution for their region. We should be careful not to project our values on another part of the world that we don't know anything about. Also, when a reader is angry by the words, it means it's triggering something in them - and this particular reader didn't respond to what I wrote but rather to her assumptions of me and my views, which had nothing to do with me.

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