Dec 18, 2023Liked by Lynne Golodner

Go for it, you’ve got at least two fans already!

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That's really neat about your first MIL, who was a technical writer. I have a cousin who is a technical writer. He lives in Seattle and freelances and does all sorts of work for the big tech companies out there. You have to be cerebral to do that kind of work. I try to encourage my cousin to get in touch with his creative side, but he doesn't seem to want to.

I'd like to read your head covering book. I'm fascinated by the concept of head coverings. St. Paul talks about it in 1 Corinthians. He was probably trying to apply an Orthodox Jewish principal to non-Jews. Amish and Mennonites cover their hair, but not too many others.

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Such a great encouragement for those of us out there. Thank you.

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